Monday, January 21, 2008

I feel like I just found out that my favorite love song was written about a sandwich.

Much ado about nothing.
I have no idea where that came from.
It's absolutely frigid today. It's warmer in NORWAY than in Colorado. What-EVER!

Todd and I had an interesting conversation about politics this weekend. I'm not as "in" to it as I used to be, but I think that has a lot to do with the fact that I'm so busy with life and school that I don't have the time to study it as much as I used to. I digress. I still enjoy discussing it and trying to figure things out.

This time around, things are pretty sticky. I always feel like if just one teeny tiny thing could be different, I'd have no problems deciding who to vote for.

There's not a single republican that I really care for. Giuliani is the only one that I really know anything about and even that is really only in relation to his work as mayor of NYC. So not much going on there. I know there are a bazillion of the republican candidates that I DEFINITELY don't care for, but that's neither here nor there, really.

I think the democratic nomination is really the most pressing right now. Hillary's tagline is "Ready for Change" but if we're going to be completely honest, anything that happens at this point is going to be a pretty radical change. I mean, we have a woman AND a black man running for president. That's pretty amazing, if you ask me.

The thing that Todd and I were talking about this weekend revolved pretty heavily around Hillary Clinton. I don't necessarily agree with many of her platforms, but the fact of the matter is, you kind of have to respect what she's done, professionally. Other than Oprah, she's probably one of the most powerful and influential women in America right now. We've been telling our little girls FOREVER that they can be anything they want to be, including the President of the United States, if they just work hard enough. But until now, no one has been in a position to *actually* become the first female president, thereby giving little girls everywhere someone to really look up to and respect. I said to Todd, "FINALLY! There really is a "barbie" for every profession!"

Like I said, you don't have to agree with her policies or her platforms. You don't even have to like her personally, but one thing is for sure...the next time any of us tells some little girl that she can be anything she wants to be, one of them is going to ask, "Even President? Like Hillary Clinton?!" and we can unwaveringly say "Yes...even President."

It doesn't really matter if she gets elected. The point here is that she is someone that we can reference.

I could say the exact same thing about Obama. FINALLY, black kids nationwide have something to aspire to that's more than just a basketball or football player. I'm jaded toward basketball anymore because the Denver Nuggets are really nothing more than uneducated thugs and yes, I do recognize that there are nice, educated, talented, family-loving, community-inspiring athletes all over the place, but they don't get recognized anymore, which is a real shame. All that kids know anymore is that they can make a sh*t-ton of money if they just play ball well enough. My, what well-rounded children we're raising!

My point is that now, we ALL have someone to look up to. Role models aren't just washed-up singers, jail-bird actors, and 'roid-popping athletes anymore.

Now we have Oprah, Hillary, and Obama, any of whom I'd be proud to have my children model their goals and dreams and aspirations after (just so long as they do it all with a college education).

This indeed is an era of change. I'm rather much looking forward to it.

Oh and just for good measure:
I don't care if you're Suzy Homemaker or Cathy CEO....if you're a woman, you had BEST be at the polls this year (and every year, for that matter). Don't you dare disrespect all the hard work our mother/grandmothers/great-grandmothers did to get us the RIGHT to vote. We owe it to them to take advantage of such an incredible opportunity.


  1. The only red flag I have on HRC is a huge one. She is so opportunistic. Admittedly, I was acquaintances with one of her staffers from several years ago and that has colored my view of her.

    The staffer said all the right things...she was great to work for and knew what she was doing, but when push came to shove she would make a horrid president. She said HRC has had her eye on the presidency since she moved out of the White House.

    Lots of other countries have or have had women in the #1 seat. It's not our time yet. Which is very unfortunate. I would rather see the right person in the job as opposed to seeing a woman just because they are a woman.

    For the record, I'm an Obama supporter. And if HRC gets it? I just might have to vote Repub or Indie for the first time in my life.

  2. Like I said, the point here is NOT what her policies or platforms are. The fact that she had the gumption to set a goal for herself and come even this close to achieving it is very commendable, in my book.

    I don't care for her and, today, don't want her in office, but I very much respect that she put her mind to something so awesome and is willing to work hard to get it.

  3. Who makes the judgment of "it's not our time yet"?

  4. Really, what run-of-the-mill 10-year-old really knows what foreign policy and gun control are. That little girl doesn't NEED to know what a policy even is...she just needs to see that Hilary DID it. That it really is possible to do EVERYTHING. Presidency is the final frontier for a woman...we've done it all, except that. We've been astronauts, doctors, lawyers, etc. etc. This is the ONLY thing we've not yet been able to achieve.

    So really, if my little girl ever said she wanted to be Hilary Clinton when she grows up, well, better Hilary than Britney.


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