Tuesday, January 3, 2012

On hopes, rather than resolutions...

It's the time of year when many of us make resolutions to be better people in the new year. I've been known to make resolutions in the past...some have been attainable (eat at as few chain restaurants as possible, see a Broadway show, etc.) and others have been totally ridiculous (walk to Russia, etc.).

2012 is bound to be a year when I become a markedly different person. There's really no way around that. So instead of making resolutions this year, I think I'm just going to make a list of hopes for myself.

I hope that I can be a happier person on a more consistent basis. I hope that my writing will improve and that I can get off my bum and do more with Clutch Weddings. I hope that I can learn to be selfish and take time for myself and for what I want to do more often. I hope that I spend more time outside. I hope that my faith experiences yet-unseen depths. I hope that I get to travel, both domestically and internationally. I hope that I will continue to love my job.

But if I have to make a resolution, I'm resolving to learn how to handle a gun, get my conceal & carry, and buy myself really fancy Christmas present in December.

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  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. That's a pretty badass resolution, Micah. Have to admit it had me smiling and chuckling.

    You surprised me a bit with that one.

    Any particular reason why now? (Clearly you're not in any huge hurry or panic if it's your goal to complete by next Dec.)

    P.S. Also, when you get it, remember the license is state by state. Don't go to NY with it. They don't take so kindly, especially if you're careless in the clubs...


  3. hahaha! I went shooting with a girl friend a couple months ago and LOVED it! Learning to shoot a gun was actually a resolution I had a couple years ago, so I figure this is as good a year as any, right?


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