Saturday, January 28, 2012

On finding peace in the mundane....

I'm a creature of habit and routine. Nothing about that statement should really surprise anyone. I've been that way for as long as I can remember. There's very little in my day that goes differently from one to the next. I get up at the same time, do the same things, drink the same coffee, drive the same way to work, and most days, I even eat the same thing. 

I know that for some people that sounds incredibly boring. It sounds boring to me, just to say it. I don't require a whole lot of excitement in my life, honestly. In fact, what I'm trying to find at this juncture is some peace. So when I think about my daily routine, it makes me wonder: what about anything I do gives me peace? What is something that goes on in my everyday that makes me feel okay? 
There are a lot of things. A long, hot shower always makes me feel good. Getting emails from friends, it's hard to beat that. When Leo calms down long enough to take a nap with me, that's pretty relaxing and peaceful. But, honestly, the one thing that is really the most peaceful for me (at least, right now) is when I blowdry my hair. 

I think part of that comes from how distressing it used to be for me to do that. I won't go into detail about why blowdrying my hair used to cause me such great stress. Suffice it to say, I don't often feel that way anymore. And my hair is hanging on to the remnants of one of the best coloring and highlighting jobs it's ever had, so seeing that every morning just makes me happy. 

It's the little things, I guess.

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