Friday, March 21, 2008

Week #12

This week, I'm thankful that the road construction crews for our neighborhood finally got their crap together and repaired the nonsense at the corner of 38th & Tennyson.

For as long as I've lived in that neighborhood (since November of 2006), that corner has been a nightmare to turn onto and off of due to the astronomical size of the potholes that have been haphazardly filled in from time to time. Last year's snowstorms certainly didn't help the situation any. It hurts my poor car, Kate, to drive over that intersection so when I got home last night and discovered that it had been repaired, I was rather elated! Or at least, I would have been, had I not been on a pretty serious mission to find a damn brownie (which I never found, by the way, and am still craving).

In case you're curious, I hauled serious amounts of arse to the Starbucks on the southwest corner of 38th & Utica in hopes of getting a brownie. They didn't have any. As I was walking out of the store (scratch that. I definitely ran), one of the guys working there was saying "We have banana chocolate chip bread!" and I giggled as I thought "Yep. That's the same..."

Fortunately, God was feeling slightly merciful on me last night and Megan brought chocolate covered donettes to small group. It satiated me for a while.

So the road is fixed but, sadly, I still need a brownie.

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