WASHINGTON — In another unnerving day for Wall Street, investors suffered their worst losses since the terrorist attacks of 2001, and government officials raced to prevent the financial crisis from spreading.
Lehman Brothers tanked on Sunday night with employees scrambling throughout the building to gather their belongings in fear that, come Monday, the doors would be shut. They were.
Merrill Lynch was purchased by Bank of America at pennies on the dollar (approx $50bil which, if you know Merrill Lynch, was an act of desperation at best).
Yesterday, AIGs stock dropped nearly 60%. AIG is one of the largest investment firms in the
This recession brought to you by Conservative Ideology...and the letter "W".
I have never in my life been so glad to have a job. It makes me work harder, more efficiently and frankly, with a great deal more fear.
So far, it's incredibly difficult though. I'm trying my hardest to convince a couple specific people to re-consider their McCain support. I'm just asking for people to look simply at the facts. What's hard is that people's emotions get invovled...and I really don't know why. FEELING like something is right almost never actually MAKES it right. You have got to remove emotions from the equation.
What I'm really getting tired of is people playing the Experience Card. You just can't do that with this election. You really can't. Because if you look at it that way, Biden is the only person really EXPERIENCED enough to run the country. And with that not being an option (because he's not "a heartbeat away from the presidency"), you have to remove that card from the deck.
But just for kicks, let's look at the various credentials surrounding our candidates:
BARACK OBAMA: Graduated from
JOE BIDEN - Graduated from
JOHN McCAIN - Graduated from the US Naval Academy at
Notice that neither of the Republican candidates every studied law or political science (something that, in my estimation, is crucial learning for a role in national politics).
Again, all I really ask is that you really weigh what is important to you in this election. Is it abortion rights? Gun control policies? Foreign affairs? Education? Equal pay for equal work? Raising minimum wage? The war in
Consider what you hold important to you. Consider which candidate falls in line the BEST with what you believe will be the best choices for the country.
But please....don't just blindly choose a candidate for the reason of "BECAUSE" or "I've ALWAYS been with this party!" Consider that maybe, this time around, the unexpected might be just what we need. Consider the possibility of NOT having another old white guy in the Oval Office. Consider that maybe, just MAYBE, the country can be better, be more, than what we've come to expect.
Simply, consider.
Well said, my love. As I've said before concurring with your thoughts on experience, George Bush had 4 years of experience at being President in 2004 (not to mention having been Governor of a state literally the size of Texas - here's looking at you, Palin, with your state the size of 22 Delawares) and has continued to thoroughly botch the job since being re-elected by a narrow margin over John Kerry. I believe the job of President is unique just as America is unique; I don't think it is something you can have "experience" for other than having knowledge of POLITICAL SCIENCE, FOREIGN POLICY, LAW, and ECONOMICS; none of which being a veteran of a retrospectively pointless "police action" or beauty pageant runner-up would really qualify as.
ReplyDeleteI think you said it best with the "old white guy" line. I'm sick of the lack of diversity in the most important job in the country. Let's elect Obama and get the country back on track.
It terrifies me that there are still single-issue voters out there.
ReplyDeleteThis election, it's important to listen to your conscious. Which candidate would you be proud to support? Which candidate are you excited about?
If someone selects McCain... I want them to tell me what's on top of his agenda... list five! Because I'm afraid that people are picking him because he's touting that he's pro-life. Some may recall, he hasn't always been pro-life. He is now though, because it makes him more popular.
Same with Obama supporters... I want them to tell me why they support him... top five! I'm an Obama supporter and I can proudly spout of my 5 reasons WHY I support him.
Promising Energy Security.
Promising to do something about Health Care.
Promising to lower taxes on the middle class.
Promising to end the war in Iraq responsibly.
Promising to correct our failing economy.
It spells it all out on his website.
You know, I would be A LOT more likely to vote for Biden or Clinton, there are a lot of the things the Dems do right for sure. I feel like this time around it's pick the lesser of the evils... Why can't there be someone who's perfect for this nation, and really cares about it?
ReplyDeleteI loved watching the debates last night and agreeing with a lot of what Biden was saying, but I just don't think that Obama and Biden are on the same page.
There are a lot of things that make me question Obama's character and whether or not he has the "best for the nation" in mind.
Things like his associations with Franklin Davis, Jeremiah Wright, and William Ayers. I know that those could all be blown out of proportion, but don't we have to question that just a little bit? We're talking about years of association with each of them.
And, that fact that he's called for a National Police Force, is a little bit creepy to me. This morning I saw a video of children singing what I would call praise songs to him. I don't recall that happening as far back as I can recall, I know I never sang songs about presidents and espeically candidates... But, it has happened with other leaders, Hitler being one.
Seriously, the health care, and the economy, and the war, they all SUCK big time. I think it's great that Biden says they want to put troops in Dar Fur, we NEED to do something about those poor children. But I just don't trust Obama and the promises he's making.
I'd love to change it up from the "Old White Guy" but do we elect the young half black man if he's not the lesser of the evils for the nation?
Man, I'm sick of hearing the "two evils" comment around election season. Understand, first, that McCain and Obama weren't just propped up cardboard cut-outs. Both went through Primary races (for Obama, quite the heated one, but for McCain less so). One must assume that part of their winning the candidate spot had at least something to do with their policies and qualifications (unlike the VP spot on the Republican side, cough cough).
ReplyDeleteI haven't heard this "national police force" comment so I'm loath to give it any real consideration but it is a little offensive to compare Obama to Hitler based on the actions of OTHER PEOPLE rather than the actual "leader." Kind of a rude smear type of thing, even if you didn't mean it to be so grossly offensive. Regardless, I'm sure part of Hitler's motivation was indeed to make Germany "better" in his own special way, so in that respect every politician in America can be compared to him. Who cares who is singing songs about whom, though? Are you going to attend church and assume that God is like Hitler because people sing praises to him? Just plain confusing.
McCain has his own troubling associations, but those are purely peripheral - they take the focus off of the ISSUES and place it on the PERSON. I don't care who Obama's pastor is, and if we're going to keep discussing it then we can throw Sarah Palin through the ringer about ten times as hard.
End result, Obama has it where it matters in policy and in principle as far as I'm concerned, and McCain does not. Last night's debate showed that he has much better judgment than McCain in important decisions like a VP pick. Man, I will be so glad when we don't have to talk about this anymore.
I should preface this by saying that I'm almost 32 weeks pregnant, and I tend to take things more personally than they are, and I tend to make things sound more personal than they are. These elections this year have been way too personal for me. I think have been a little bit for everyone.
ReplyDeleteLike it or not, "the lesser of the two evils" is the way a lot of people feel this time around. I know that they both went through pretty serious primaries, that doesn't mean that the best candidate for everyone came out on top it just doesn't... You were at the DNC, you know there were still A LOT of people there who wanted Hillary. It's the way it goes when you have a democracy, and it's a good thing, the majority obviously wanted Obama, so there you have it. I personally don't feel like either candidate this time around is a perfect candidate, they've both been tried and been found wanting. Rob and I were just saying that we think the perfect thing would be to put all four (Obama, Biden, McCain, Palin) in the white house and tell them they have to figure it out together, hopefully, we'd get the best of both worlds.
I don't throw random made up things around about anyone. I try very hard to make sure that I know all the facts before I state them, so that I don't look like another gun toting follow the crowd republican (because I'm not). I looked for the national police force thing on both factcheck and snopes, and neither had it, but there were enough stories on google that were sourced, I feel comfortable, that it's not made up like the emails about him being a terrorist, and all of those things.
I didn't mean to say that Obama is the next Hitler, but I was trying to say that he may be a little more socialistic than I feel comfortable with. And, the point was that Hitler was trying to make himself like God or a god, and it obviously didn't go well.
The end point for me is that there are people out here who have researched the issues as much as you and Micah have, and I respect that you have because you're both right, a lot of people do not. But, not everyone is going to decide that Obama is the best candidate for them. That's just the way it is. We all have different social circumstances that we come from. We all have a different belief structure that's just the way it goes, and that's the beauty of a democracy.