WASHINGTON — In another unnerving day for Wall Street, investors suffered their worst losses since the terrorist attacks of 2001, and government officials raced to prevent the financial crisis from spreading.
Lehman Brothers tanked on Sunday night with employees scrambling throughout the building to gather their belongings in fear that, come Monday, the doors would be shut. They were.
Merrill Lynch was purchased by Bank of America at pennies on the dollar (approx $50bil which, if you know Merrill Lynch, was an act of desperation at best).
Yesterday, AIGs stock dropped nearly 60%. AIG is one of the largest investment firms in the
This recession brought to you by Conservative Ideology...and the letter "W".
I have never in my life been so glad to have a job. It makes me work harder, more efficiently and frankly, with a great deal more fear.
So far, it's incredibly difficult though. I'm trying my hardest to convince a couple specific people to re-consider their McCain support. I'm just asking for people to look simply at the facts. What's hard is that people's emotions get invovled...and I really don't know why. FEELING like something is right almost never actually MAKES it right. You have got to remove emotions from the equation.
What I'm really getting tired of is people playing the Experience Card. You just can't do that with this election. You really can't. Because if you look at it that way, Biden is the only person really EXPERIENCED enough to run the country. And with that not being an option (because he's not "a heartbeat away from the presidency"), you have to remove that card from the deck.
But just for kicks, let's look at the various credentials surrounding our candidates:
BARACK OBAMA: Graduated from
JOE BIDEN - Graduated from
JOHN McCAIN - Graduated from the US Naval Academy at
Notice that neither of the Republican candidates every studied law or political science (something that, in my estimation, is crucial learning for a role in national politics).
Again, all I really ask is that you really weigh what is important to you in this election. Is it abortion rights? Gun control policies? Foreign affairs? Education? Equal pay for equal work? Raising minimum wage? The war in
Consider what you hold important to you. Consider which candidate falls in line the BEST with what you believe will be the best choices for the country.
But please....don't just blindly choose a candidate for the reason of "BECAUSE" or "I've ALWAYS been with this party!" Consider that maybe, this time around, the unexpected might be just what we need. Consider the possibility of NOT having another old white guy in the Oval Office. Consider that maybe, just MAYBE, the country can be better, be more, than what we've come to expect.
Simply, consider.