Monday, May 5, 2008

That ain't no Etch-A-Sketch. This is one doodle that can't be un-did, Homeskillet.

What a weekend!

I believe that Friday night was one of the most fantastic nights we've had together since getting the puppies. We ate delicious hamburgers (with cheese, pineapple rings and BBQ sauce), drank some wine and watched JUNO, which is one of my new favorite movies. It lived up to it's hype, that's for sure. And aside from the knocking-up-of-high-school-girfriend, the boyfriend in the movie really is strikingly similar to our friend, Phill Blecker (this was first told to me by his wife, my friend, Karla...interestingly, the characters name in the movie is Paul Bleeker...what?!?! It's total craziness!). And I'm trés in love with the opening and closing songs, which make me want to do our first dance all over again just because they're so perfect! And really, any movie with Allison Janney is going to be good time...she's so funny...first fell in love with her in 10 Things I Hate About You...

Anyway, that was to be the end of our relaxing weekend. Saturday was up and at 'em to take the dogs to the dog park where they went totally batty for almost an hour and STILL had energy left over. Then we went down to Castle Rock to visit some of my in-laws and introduce them to the puppies, which was pretty funny! Our niece, Dani, decided that the dogs looooooooooove her, which they do, and was trying to make Leo sit the whole afternoon...he was just too excited to function so he never really did it unless Todd was there (surprise surprise...he only really listens to Todd anyway). And Todd mastered Mariokart for the Wii, much to the joy of our nephews (the adults all knew about Todd's propensity for mastering any type of video game so we just kind of giggled at it).

On our way home, we stopped at Petsmart to get Leo a PACKPACK!!!!!!!!! He needs something to distract him while we're on our walks so that he quits with the incessant and irritating whining. So far, so good. And he looks SOOOO funny with his little tiny backpack on! So far, we've made him carry our cellphones and camera...we need to get tiny bottles of water to give the backpack more weight, but so far, the whole "working"thing is working for Leo. Weirdo.

Sunday was spent with the pups, studying like crazy, speaking non-stop Spanish with my mom, watching TV, reading, hanging out with Heather and Bailey, eating pizza, attempting to de-weed the front and back yard, and then making every attempt to finish my research paper for English. This did not happen. I got close, but this isn't horseshoes or hand grenades so I still have quite a bit of work left to do. I thought that the paper was due on's actually due tomorrow. Hot. But the nice thing is that once this is done, I'm basically finished for the semester. I still have another week and a half of classes, but at least there aren't really any projects due. Just some piddly homework and then my finals. And then Vegas. Oh, thank GOD.

I did everything I could do to stay awake last night to write this paper (which is on the Southern Gothic movement of literature, in case you were wondering, which I'm sure most of you weren't) chocolate, television, sauvignon blanc, puppies, chips and salsa, foot rubbing...but around 9:30pm, I honest to God passed out. I'm not even sure I remember falling asleep. So that's awesome.

So I fully intend for this week to be a good one. The weather is nice and school is almost over. And if I'm lucky, I'll actually remember my own birthday this year (which is on Friday)...I typically forget every year. It's kind of hilarious, but kind of sad haha!

So here we go!.......


  1. I also love Allison Janney !


  2. Thanks for the shout out...

    Phill and Paulie look nothing alike, but if you check out our blog, I have a picture of Paulie's silly grin and the picture of Phill and me at our wedding right next to it (in the margin). Check out those grins! Why do I feel like we were being stalked... for real!

    Maybe Phill and I could dress up as Paulie and Juno for Halloween this year? We won't really have to try that hard to pull it off! :o)


    Loved the dog stories too!


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