Wednesday, June 27, 2012

On playing by the numbers....

I'm not a huge fan of numbers. I deal much better in letters and words. They make much more sense to me. I think that's because I was born largely without a left brain. Despite my unending love of words, there is a singular number that has held a very special place in my heart for more than half my life.


I love that number. It has a funny backstory in my life and it also seems that whenever I see the number 42 crop up in life, something good happens. Several months ago, I went to one of my favorite burger places and my order number was 42. That was a damn good day. It's hard to have a bad day when you get to have an amazing burger followed by an even more amazing massage. Then, two weeks later, I went back with one of my best friends to the same burger place and our order number was, you guessed it, 42. Again, it was a magical day! The 42nd day of 2012 also happened to be a really good day for me. And every 42 days, I get to have a manicure (and several additional times in between).

Generally speaking, 42 just makes for a good number for me. It also makes me curious...what will my 42nd birthday hold? What other instances of 42 come up in my life that I don't recognize or just completely miss?

And if you can guess where my original love of the number 42 actually comes from, bonus points to you!


  1. If it's not from Hitchhiker's Guide, I don't know where it could possibly be from.

    I'm good with numbers and appreciate them, but I don't generally put much into numbers for luck or numerology or anything like that...

    BUT our original wedding date was going to be on 4/16... (a good number on it's own... a perfect square and it's square)... and it would have been our 42nd month together. (We ended up delaying by a month)

    (also, your snippet came through messed up to my reader.... probably nothing you can do about that, but it doesn't hurt to know.)

  2. It is definitely from HGTTG, but I didn't figure that out until I was in my 20s, thanks to my dad and another enginerd's kind of a long story haha!

    And I LOVE that your original date was a 42 haha! That's awesome!


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