Wednesday, December 23, 2009

On the year in review...

I suppose it's the time of year where reflecting is appropriate. So here goes.

2009 presented itself rather challenging, but not without its heavy-duty "ups". Traveling proved to be my "thing" this year....I literally spanned the globe, most times with Todd, but made one solid trip with my girls (not all of them, but a solid group of them).

I finally took it upon myself to take some initiative and lose all my honeymoon weight. Yes, that was nearly 2 years ago, but it was taking to time to motivate myself. I had a goal, both in weight and time and reached both and was able to take on The Circus with pride.

Fitness was a new adventure this year and I completed the Bolder Boulder in approximately 1 hour and 6 minutes, a feat I was certainly not expecting. I ran the 10K in honor of my mother this year. She used to run every year until her knees just gave out and I'd been promising for the last 6 years that I'd run it for her someday, and I did. I even took her solid advice to "save something for the stadium" and ran through Folsom Field in under 15seconds...that was awesome!

I also did another race that I'd been wanting to do for years, Run the Republic. I undertook this race with three of my other girl friends. Our team name: The Skinny Bitches. Our name never got announced over the loud speaker on race day, but we think that was for obvious reasons. This race was a stairclimb...56 flights at just over 1000 steps to the top of the tallest building in Denver. I clocked in around 16mins for that sucker and that was without training. Holla!

I took quite a liking to the theatre this year. Another goal of mine was to see a Broadway show. Todd took me to The Phantom of the Opera this year and we were both blown away. The music, the costumes, the was all impressive and exciting! Then, in October, I was invited to see Wicked with a good friend for her birthday. This proved to be even more exciting that the first and I am certain that the latter is better than the former, but let's be honest: just about any Broadway show is spectacular!

You've all already heard about our traveling adventures so I won't write more about that here. It was big year, biggest yet in fact. We plan on topping ourselves in the years to come.

Todd and I both got to see one each of our former roommate get married this year, both to people we adore. Tarynn to Cory and Gabe to Kelly....each are perfectly suited and we were so happy to be able to celebrate with each couple.

Reflecting on the year gives me reason to pause and think about all the things I learned this year:
  • Japanese people are the kindest I've ever met
  • Cruisers are among the worst
  • Friendships take an extraordinary amount of work
  • I'm allowed to be selfish...with me, my time, my friends, my husband
  • The place in my heart for my family continues to grow
  • I am capable of doing anything I put my mind to
  • I am stronger than I give myself credit for
  • While I don't enjoy writing fiction, I'm not exactly bad at it
  • I work my best under stress, which is weird (G&Ks wedding proved that)
  • I throw a mean book release party
  • Selling myself short is the dumbest thing I've ever done
So, bring on 2010 and all it's challenges, adventures, and lessons....

1 comment:

  1. Well said, darling. Here's to making 2010 even better than 2009!


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