Tuesday, July 28, 2009

I stand by my previous statements...

Regarding vacation.

The week prior to any vacation is, without a doubt, the WORST. Worse even than the week after a vacation.

This week has been pretty gross already and today is (hopefully) going to be the worst of it all. I'm itchy like you wouldn't even believe so I made a doctor's appt for Friday afternoon at 3pm...an hour after my final ends and 2 hours before we're supposed to out for dinner and the airport. I'm the queen of jamming my schedule, aren't I? (The answer is, of course, yes.)

I went to The Home Depot to get a water filter for our shower head and was met with more-than-blank stares by just about everyone I talked to. "Do they even make those?" I was asked at one point. Uh, yeah. I checked on the Home Depot website. The guy who ends up "helping" me is not the large man he was described to me as by the customer service rep, but rather a very old gentleman, towering over me at a slight 5'4" (more or less), and one very very offensive individual, but I digress.

I went to Starbucks for my daily dose of pick-me-up (my boss thinks we should install a Starbucks in the office just for me...I have an addiction) and the woman next to me is tapping her foot incessantly and then a guy sits down on the other side of me and REEKS of day old cigarette smoke. Foul.

Work stuff is standard, but I'm putting pressure on myself to finish everything up before I leave so that no one else has to deal with my crap.

Suffice it to say, I'm ready for a vacation. I look like I've been cast in some crappy, B-rate horror flick, what with all the claw marks and scratches and gashes all over my body. Fortunately, Melo has given me the name of a lotion she swears by that is a) expensive, but b) available at Walgreens in small bottles so I can take them with me wherever I go. YAY!

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

I'm a wreck!

I have been itching incessantly since about 9pm yesterday. I've actually been pretty itchy for a couple days now, but it got really bad last night. I wish Todd could have stayed up all night scratching my back while I slept.

This morning, it's pretty bad too. I'm clawing at my arms and back...I'm sure it looks glorious!

And the nasty weird whatever-the-hell is back on my hands. Every time I get out of the shower, the palms of my hands look like Falcor's skin. It's disgusting and it HURTS!

Why, oh why, can't I get into the doctor before September?!?!

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

On growing up....

I can't believe I'm speaking in numbers I actually understand at this point. Only a few more semesters and I'm totally done. I think that number is going to be five, just to be certain that whatever sanity I have left remains intact.

Latin was supposed to be the class that was "easy" and it's turning out to be a bigger pain the ass that I could have possibly imagined. Bleh. Midterm on Monday, Final on the 31st, then done. Thank God.

In other news, Todd and I finally found something to purchase with the rest of our wedding money (yes, we still have some leftover) and bought a brand new, giant bed. WOO!!! Exciting for Todd because now his back won't hurt every morning. Exciting for me because we kept the old bed and I now have a guestroom. I even bought a funky new bedding set for it. YAY! We're almost done setting up the guestroom... just need to organize some misc. crap that we still have (and can't get rid of). We did QUITE a number on that room last weekend. Re-organized Todd's closet and somehow managed to get rid of another trunk-full of crap, either via garbage, recycle, or Goodwill.

I am baffled at how we manage to toss a trunk-load of stuff at least once a month, if not more. Where does all this crap come from?! We don't even have a storage unit! All our wordly belongings are either in our apartment or our garage (and even that is really only our camping stuff and some Christmas stuff). I have absolutely no problems getting rid of excess junk. The less stuff we have, the less stuff there is to pack and move (at some point), and the less clutter there is to make me crazy. I am quite enjoying this minimizing venture I've been on for some time. It's been a New Year's Resolution for nearly 3 years now. It's nice to see it in action.

I think we're even going to get rid of the "purpa chair" (and possibly buy a fancy leather "cigar chair" for Todd instead)

and I'd really like to dispose of the white shelving that I've had since I was 20....move the big brown bookcase into the guestroom and invest in a nice little "media cabinet" for the living room.

Part of this is me de-cluttering. Part of this is me coming to the realization that I'm a grown up and it's time to have grown-up things and stop living off of chip-board and crap from Goodwill or that has been handed down to me. It worked for a really long time...and it worked well...and I really liked it. But the "purpa chair" needs to go.