Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Huh. Turns out, rejection still sucks.

I got an email earlier thanking me for auditioning for the Broncos and that if I am getting a call back, it either will have already happened or will happen today. So far, no calls.

Maybe it's because I'm extremely tired and overworked right now, but I think I could cry over not getting a call back. I know I said that I could handle it, but the sheer amount of exhaustion that I'm experiencing right now is almost too much to handle.

I had a co-worker ask me today if I was doing all right and if I needed to go out for lunch/drinks with her to discuss anything, completely off the records. I appreciated her sentiments more than I could express. I just really need for May to be over...for reasons related to both work and school. So far, I have been able to manage the stress remarkably well. But the last few days/weeks have been overwhelming in ways that I can't possibly describe.

Maybe it's the mark of maturity and/or responsibility, but the idea of getting completely trashed next weekend for Cinco de Drinko sounds far less than appealing. Having a good time with my friends, absolutely. But I know that I need to wake up the next morning and finish off the semester and I'll likely need most of the day to do that.

I mostly just don't have time for fun anymore. Todd and I are going cabin-ing and hiking with M, P & H this weekend and I already know (and have told everyone) that I have to bring my laptop and homework with me to finalize two very significant projects, which are due on Sunday...and I most assuredly have to be home by 7pm at the very very latest so that I can post the assignments to my online classes.

Just thinking about it is stressing me out.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Once Disney rejects you, you can take just about anything...

This blog is dedicated to Laura, for forwarding me the info that I needed.

As some (or most) of you may know, one of my goals in life is to sing the National Anthem at a major sporting event, preferably the Super Bowl, but I'll take anything.

So when Laura texted me the other day some information on the Broncos Talent Search, I immediately emailed my producer to ask if he could quickly record an updated version of the anthem by last Saturday. Thankfully, he had time to record me on Friday night, weather be damned! We did several takes in several keys and finally found one that was worth a crap and he mixed it beautifully and put it on a CD (along with a song he and my BFF recorded a couple weeks ago in Nashville) for my forwarding pleasure.

Today, I popped a copy of the CD in the mail along with my application in hopes that it reaches Broncos Talent HQ by the deadline of April 23rd (which it should since it's local mail). They'll do call backs in the next couple days or so and then a final live audition on May 2nd at DU and they'll call the finalists by May 11th.

This is kind of a big deal to me and I really hope that I get at least a call back, but I'm also VERY aware that there are tons of people out there than can massively out-perform me on the Anthem. So my expectations are low. I still need to re-send to the Rockies and the Rapids. I'd love to audition for the Avs, but they have a permanent professional.

Fingers crossed!

Friday, April 17, 2009

I still hate winter driving...

We bought a new car last night.

New to us anyway.

It's kind of a long story how we got it, but it's the exact car we've been wanting and we got a screaming deal on it!

It's a 2008 Subaru Impreza 2.5i, dark grey metallic with black interior, manual transmission, and fully fully loaded...woo hoo!!! It's such a sweet car. Todd has been wanting to get me into a safer winter driving car since I have to drive up and down the mountain every single day, and I tell you want...this morning, in this horrible weather, that little Subaru powered up the hill without a single problem! Way to go, Stabilitrac! Probably my new favorite feature of all time...I love not sliding all over the damn place when I hit patches of snow and/or ice. Don't get me wrong. I still ahte driving in the winter (and kind of can't blieve my office is open right now), but knowing that I'm in a safe vehicle that can actually go (and stop ) in the snow makes it a little easier on me.

The funny thing is that this is the first major, non-electronics purchs that Todd and I have made together. And while the car is technically "mine" (I'll be driving it primarily), we're both on the registration and the loan so it's actually both of ours. Todd has made the executive decision that he'll be driving the car at least once a week in non-winter months, because it is that bad ass and he doesn't look like a tool driving it (like he would if I'd gotten a Mini Cooper with pink racing stripes). Let's just keep our fingers crossed that he and I can keep the speeds to a minimum and not get pulled over!

Todd has also made the decision that the pups are not allowed in the car for at least the first year. There's a pet car cover thing at Bed, Bath & Beyond that I want to get, but even with that, Todd isn't all that interested in having Leo-hair all over the place like it is in good ol' Kate the Neon.

Speaking of names, the new car needs one. I'm open to suggestions. The only requirements are that it has to be a girl name and it can't be something I'd potentially name a child (which sucks because I really like the names Lily and Kate and I blew it by using those for vehicle names hahaha!)...so far, I'm interested in Madeline, but since it's Todd's car too, he has to agree to the name as well...

Monday, April 13, 2009

Happy birthday, puppies!

One year ago today, we adopted our pups, Leo & Suki...and what a great year it's been! Road trips and hotel stays, garbage eating and hiking, treats, treats and more treats!

We're so glad we adopted the little boogers and can't wait for many many more years with them!

The weather was a little too crappy yesterday to take them to the park for their birthday, but since they're dogs and don't know that it's their birthday, we'll just go next weekend when it's a bit warmer...or whenever... :o)

Monday, April 6, 2009

Clutter be gone!

Saturday proved to be a rather miraculous day. Not only did it not snow (which I am ever so grateful for…not a fan of snow in the spring), but Todd and I were able to heavily de-clutter our “office” and get rid of / donate:

1 giant box of books

1 giant box of knick-knacky crap

2 baby gates (formerly for use with the pups)

1 box fan

1 giant bag of clothing

Several misc. bath towels

2 pillows

1 bed comforter

1 ironing board

And finally, 1 enormous bag of trash and misc. crap that no one would want or need.

Our office is starting to look more functional than just a space to store our junk. There’s still a lot of stuff in there to go through but you wouldn’t believe how sparse it looks just with all the above out of there. It’s amazing!

I’ve been wanting to de-clutter our house for a really long time and the office was a good place to start. We just have way too much stuff. It’s nice to get rid of things that we just don’t use or need. I would like to continue this mission by tackling my closet. Oof. There’s a LOT of stuff in there that I probably don’t need.

De-cluttering the house might be my new favorite stress release.

Friday, April 3, 2009

Random thoughts for a Friday

Two of my very dear friends are a little happier this morning.
And so am I…for them. It’s a good day.

My co-worker, whom I will miss a lot after next week, is rocking out to Coldplay, Snow Patrol and Counting Crows. She is the “cool mom”.

I got coffee at the Bux this morning because coffee at the office, while free, often tastes like soap. So I paid my $1.67 to get good coffee and destroy it with creamer when I got to the office (hahaha).

Taking my laptop with me to work has proved to be the most productive thing I can do for my school work. I got so much done yesterday just during lunch. It feels good to be caught up enough that I can spend my weekend study time re-doing some misc. assignments and continuing to stay caught up.

It’s supposed to snow 6-12 inches tonight. I’m not interested. It would only be okay if it was a workday and I was snowed inside our house with my husband and puppies. And if I had nothing better to do than watch movies and drink hot chocolate. As it is, the snow is coming just in time to ruin a perfectly good Saturday.

I think I’m finding myself more and more becoming the Colorado girl that prefers summer activities to winter. I enjoy skiing, but once or twice a season is plenty for me. I’d rather be warm. We’ll probably do a lot more hiking this summer.

Todd’s party is in a couple weeks. I need to finalize and purchase the schwag. I love schwag. The menu is finalized. The décor is definitely still up in the air. Parties are so much fun to plan!