Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Fast Food Nation

It's all starting to make sense to me now.
The idea of eating out for every meal.
Maybe it's just this month and the insane busy-ness of it all.
We have something MAJOR going on every single weekend, which is rather uncharacteristic of us. Normally, we just have a ton of little crap that gets schedule or needs to get done.

Saturday, I have an eye appointment to get new contacts (so that I can wear my freakin' sunglasses more often!), a bridal shower and then Todd and I are going to see Big Head Todd at Red Rocks with Megan & Paul that evening. We'll probably get there a little early to tailgate in the parking lot so as to not spend gads of money on beers inside the park. It's absurd what they charge for 12oz of delicious. Madness, I tell you!

Sunday, just like weekends of yore, we have dance lessons smack in the middle of the afternoon. Tango and Ballroom this time around, which is fantastic and wonderful! And then we'll be going bowling with some buddies afterward, which will be even more fantastic as the Sunday deal in our 'hood is $1Games/Shoes/Hot Dogs/Beer...AWESOME!!

The following weekend, we'll be in SLC on a much-needed break, which will be quite nice. Todd's brother and sister-in-law will be out there too. It'll be nice to see them again. We'll be road-tripping it out there, which is always a good time. I love doing car trips with Todd...always something to talk about and laugh about and listen to.

The weekend after that, we're helping Megan & Paul get their house in the mountains ready to move out of...they're moving back to the "land of the living" at the end of the month and need some help painting, packing and generally cleaning up. We're happy to help clean, paint, eat pizza and drink beer (obviously...who wouldn't be?!). And on Sunday, my parents are competing in a big state-wide dance competition down in the Tech Center (blech) and my dad is also competing with our friend, Karen, for the last time (tear*) so it will be nice to get to see that. The only huge bummer is the Tech Center ookiness. I hate being down there. Pretension runs rampant down there.

The final weekend of the month involves me (and maybe Todd) going to the mountains to hang out with my friend, Laura. She's running a marathon that weekend so she's going to stay in the mountains the night before and wants someone to hang out with, so I offered. It'll be a ton of fun, to be certain. Something about a big BBQ after the race is over. Should be nothing short of awesome.

Suffice it to say, it makes sense to me why people always want to eat out. It's simply easier. Though not at all cheaper. But I guess sometimes, the effort expenditure is more costly than the monetary expenditure. I totally get it.


  1. At least this year doesn't feel as "busy" as last year did. I'm excited for all our stuff, regardless of busy-ness, and I actually LIKE the Tech Center. Just not on weekdays.

  2. Travel and have fun like the two crazy newlyweds you are, because when those eight babies arrive, it'll make all those things a little more difficult. Not impossible though. Yes, I still think you’ll have eight babies. :o)


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