Thursday, December 13, 2007

"Let's go have some drinks and then put knives on our feet!".......

i'm definitely eating trip chocolate cookies from Mrs. Fields right now. i feel bad, but only slightly. they're too delicious for words. soft. moist. wonderful. okay, so they're too delicious for all but three words.

this is my last week at the Anti-Gym. i'm rather sad. i'm sure i'll go through withdrawal symptoms. for the last month, i have been pushed to extremes, pushed to do things i never thought i could do, made my body do things it's never done before. and while the scale has gone steadily UPWARD (*growl*), i have also seen that certain parts of my body are looking super-fantastic. my arms (biceps especially) are looking toned and muscley, my back is well...awesome, and my bum? well that's the best part of it all! i'm still a little "squishy" in places, but according to karla, that's exactly how i should be and i should be more mad at clothiers about muffin-topping than myself. hahaha! i'm inclined to agree with her.

that's not really the point though.

i think what i'm going to miss the most is having people working with me that ACTUALLY believe in my abilities. my trainer last night gave my a 15lb weight for this one exercise and i said "Umm, I'm not sure I can lift this" to which he responded "Are you kidding me? I've worked with you long enough to know that you can do whatever I tell you to do." and would you look at that, i actually COULD!

so yeah, that was exciting.

mostly, i really just hope that i can keeping kicking my own ass at my own gym.


  1. So those times we were at the gym and I said it didn't look like you were challenging yourself (and you got upset and said that you work hard) mean a lot more to you now?

  2. oh hell yes.
    soon i'll be rowing with 40lbs!
    you all just wait!

  3. just got this message at work... "cookies in the break room!"

    woooooosh... there i go. mmmmm... cooookiiies. and they're all festive, so they're even yummier.

    i'm proud of you for working out so hard! let's go skiing soon!


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